Friday, June 16, 2023

A Seraphon Carnosaur proxy thunders in (best not hide in the toilet)

It's easy to mistake a low rate of blogging with a lack of hobby time, luckily the opposite is true. Aside from a number of good games, I've also got a few rather massive projects (*cough* titans *cough*) on the burner. My lack of blathering stems from a lack of time to sit down and go on about my hobby. It doesn't helpt that my autofocus seems to prefer zany backgrounds to finished models :) Ah well, with all that useless preamble out of the way, let's get to the gravy. This week I decided to sit down each evening and paint an entire big monster start to finish. I actually managed to do it too :D Here's a Lizardmen Serpahon Carnosaur....

No! I don't know how I'm going to hit anyone with my spear from up here either!