Sunday, March 13, 2016

Swamp terrain

Terrain is important in all wargames, but especially in Age of Sigmar. One of my ambitions was making a swamp terrain table to play around with in the Realm of Life. I finally managed to build one over the course of a few weeks and paint it all up on a glorious Sunday. Here are the results. For those interested I included the (very few) work in progress shots I have at the end of this post. As I'm planning to visit a few more of the Mortal Realms this year, I might actually take enough photos to create a few tutorials. For now, just a lot of pictures.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Orcs, orcs, orcs, orcs, orcs

I started the year (and ended last year) painting a lot of orcs, goblins, trolls and other models. I got all of these second hand or from a very old box out of storage. I should expand this army, and not everything I have is painted, but I got a bit tired of painting green, so maybe at a later point in time.

A Stone Troll