The second model for my Nurgle warband will be Lord Slimegulp the self-proclaimed Tyrant of the Wastes. He is a Daemon Price of Nurgle that I'm building out of bits and a second hand plastic daemon prince I bought as part of one of those 'I quit the hobby' lots. The front of the model has been build by cutting leftover bits from the cannibalized Maggot Lord set I used for the Nurgle Realmgate earlier this year.
Lord Simegulp always gets a close-up view of the meals he's chewing on. I bet they never mentioned that possibility in the Join a Merry Nurgle Warband recruitment flyers. |
Go ahead make fun of my tiny wings, my wroth will be legendary! |
I did not like the standard Daemon Prince wings for this particular conversion as I really want him to stand out from fellow princes on the battlefield. I ended up using a pair of 40K CSM mutant upgrade wings by cutting out the power pack they sprung from. I cut all crossguards of the blade (as it was to techie-looking and replaced it with some green stuff creepers. I also cut all cables of the left handed 'power fist' and ended up closing the last of the air vents with a secret Nurgle recipe (mixing PVA with superglue). I used a head and a nurgling sprouting body from the Blight Kings set and added a streamer of flies from the maggot lord.
Last, but certainly not least is building the bases. I tend to glue my models to a temporary base for handling while painting (usually when I'm to lazy to pin them to corks). The final base I build seperately. Here is a work in progress shot of the base for the Daemon Prince (and the bases for the Blight kings. I used a but from the Shattered Realms basing set to add some detail.
Almost all bases start out the same: with sand, PVA and plastic. |
For extra character and decoration I'm planning to use mushrooms on the bases. There are some large ones in the basing kit. As I had more green stuff than needed I could sculpt a few more to glue on later.
Green stuff mushrooms, not for human consumption. |
As the late and great Bob Ross might say 'Maybe Lord Slimegulp has a couple of friends'. Why thanks Bob, let's get to them. I had these to metal models around and have started the paint job already.
Ebolax the Great, Sorcerer of Nurgle and Virulex the Septuply Cursed, champion of Nurgle. |
I've glued Ebolax to the 32 mm base he's going to end up on as this model almost fully covers his base. I still have to search my shed for his familiar though. Virulex gets a separate base that is almost done (except for the raven as I can't decide between a white or a black variant of the bird).
Once upon a midnight dreary.... |
Last but not least is this addition in progress:
The base needs a little more work, the abomination will take a lot more paint before it's done. |
This Skaven Hell Pit Abomination will probably see most action with a lot of my other Skaven backing it up, but I will also use it next to my Nurgle warband. After all both are part of the Chaos Alliance.
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