Sunday, January 26, 2020

Ruin's End, a Warhammer Fantasy 4th Campaign, sessions 8 and 9 - A night at the theater

<This is the second two-parter to catch up with the campaign>

After consulting with Delsoton in the high elf embassy, the group went to their safe house in Suiddock. The house turned out to be on a typical Mariënburger street. Vendors cried out about their wares against a backdrop of liquor stores, bakers and 'spice sellers'. Almost instinctively the members of the group devolved into the most primary human being there is: the tourist.

A random illustration of Skaven Gutter Runners.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Ruin's End, a Warhammer Fantasy 4th Campaign, sessions 6 and 7 - One way trip to Marienburg

My Warhammer Fantasy campaign Ruin's End has gone unreported, but has continued over the past months*. After defeating a burrowed Skaven war party and robbing Ubersreik magistrate Von Bruner's mansion (for the second time) the party thought it appropriate to leave Ubersreik. With the city gates locked, it was a question of how.

A Skaven Assassin.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

For the lady!

I love to kick off a new year with a new army. Last year I broke some personal records painting a newfangled Nighhaunt army in a rather insanely short time. This year I decided to add a Bretonnian army to my collection. First though I had to settle on proper heraldry. As a test I painted Vicomte Pascal d'Ascii and his noble serfs.

Any man who would be a knight and follow a king, follow me!

Monday, January 6, 2020

More Townscape buildings finished

My blog may have been a bit silent, but that didn't mean I didn't get things done. Without finding time to type about it, I've been continuing my Townscape project. With some pride I can now state that I've finished the first of the three pages from the 'assembling a building' instructions. Here's three of my latest additions in a row.

It almost looks like a street if I put them like this.