Saturday, August 17, 2024

Guards! Knights! Squires! Prepare for battle!

Over the past few months I've been painting models for my Bretonnian army. I never got around to posting finished models due to a lack of tufts and the ambition to make a flock box (it failed). Today I decided to just grab ready made tufts and finish and photograph a whole bunch of models at once. Here's (most of) the planned core of my army, consisting of ten Mounted Knights of the Realm, a Paladin bearing the Battle Standard of Mousillon, Duke Maldred of Mousillon on his Royal Pegasus and his illegitimate daughter Malory leading the first cavalry wedge with her duelists' blades drawn and her visor open. 

O Fortuna
Velut Luna
Statu variabilis

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

We're gonna need a bigger newspaper: there's a Sump Spider on the loose!

These last few weeks I've been having a glorious time picking up random projects taking up space around my paint station. This rather horrifying Sump Spider, a model by Print Minis, is one of those projects. It also marks the first model of a giant spider I did not paint pink. That's a bit of a change for me; I would also say it's nightmare fuel compared to the bubblegum pink Gobbo Spiders in the display case.

The running peasant from the Giant's kit has to rate as one of the top models ever produced by GW. Also there's a humongous zonking Sump Spider on the picture (in case you missed it).

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Dwarf themed terrain or are these Goblin infested ruins?

Most of the fantasy themed battles I fought over the past few years used my Townscape buildings and the two version of woodland terrain in my collection. That's all nice and well, but I've always wanted to expand into different styles of 'table dressing'. Recently I decided to turn to 3D-printing once more to turn that dream into reality. Starting out with a very pretty set of Dwarf themed terrain by Cast n Play Miniatures.

This former Dwarven hold contains a bridge, lots of cover and some difficult terrain. 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Warhammer The Old World Battlereport(s): Trial by Footslogging

Warhammer The Old World has been released just shy of AoS' tenth birthday (it was released in 2015). That means that, as an early adopter of that system, I haven't played a variant of the old 'square based' original rules for at least nine years. In practice it is a lot longer, my last long string of games was woth the (then new) 3rd and 4th editions of Warhammer Fantasy Battles. I tried getting back into fantasy during 8th, but it was a bad experience. Having said that: I'm stoked to get playing with squares again . Not in the least because armies take less space to store on squares. By now I've had the chance to get two games in. Here's a dual battle report (sort of), with running commentary about the differences between Warhammer AoS and TOW a lazy, rule-ignoring greybeard like me experiences. Let's start of with a semi-spectacular snap first.

Important rules to live by: don't get charged in the flank, don't get charged in the rear and don't challenge a High Elf on Gryphon to one-on-one combat with a 'mere' Dwarven Thane. Also bring a  quill, bottle of ink and a book of grudges with lots of empty pages to any battle.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Night Goblins Attack Giant (or is that Night Goblin's Attack Giant?)

It is so lovely to return to obsessive relaxed miniature painting after a bit of a hiatus. With my Bretonnians sort of lurking in the background and my Dwarves finished (and already beaten quite badly on the tabletop), I couldn't resist adding a third project to the 'active' list: Night Goblins...well Greenskins, but I decided to start with Night Goblins. And not just any Night Goblins, but a Night Goblin War Giant (war would've made the headline less confusing, too bad you can't change what you type on the internet ;). Here's the model.

I hear you knocking but you can't come in...oh wait scratch that it seems that you CAN come in. How about still going for tomorrow night and trying again?

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Square based and unfazed: my Dwarven army will stomp through The Old World again

My Dwarven army is finished and ready to stomp through The Old World again. To be fully honest I took them out for a spin already (most of them bare-based and some unpainted (heresy, I know)). But having them all lined up and fully painted is just a wonderful sight I wanted to share (and brag about, I'll be honest here ;). Without further ado, here's the lot:

Owning a fully painted army is a Warhammer dream well worth chasing.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Dwarf Gyrocopters join the throng

I believe that the odds of arriving late increase with your proximity to work or school. In the same vein: the less you have to paint to finish an army, the greater the chance it'll never get done (yes there's a Catch 22 there ;). With that in mind, I forced myself to finish the final two Gyrocopters I needed to complete my Dwarven throng. Well okay, I painted three, because for some odd reason I printed three of the things.

Hojotoho! Hojotoho!