Even though I like a lot of the new stuff, nothing compares to the truly great classic models. The ones made when the sculptors/designers clearly where on a roll. For me that includes a number of Waaargh! Orks (space) orcs and a large number of original Realm of Chaos champions (and other models from this line). I recently got my hands on this classic Chaos Sorcerer. As I am over-obsessing about Warhammer Fantasy 4th, questing through the Silver Tower with my wife and trying to keep a grip on work, kids and life in general, my painting output has gone down a bit. Still I managed to slap some colors on this guy.
Nothing quite beats the classic GW Chaos Champions. The few I own are set up at the edge of my painting table, primed and ready to be painted when inspiration strikes. |
For a 'modern plastic and classic lead combining heretic' like me one of the advantages of the old Realm of Chaos line is that the models where quite tall for their time. This champion easily fits in with the rest of my 'extremely heroic scale' Tzeentch themed Slaves to Darkness. As to painting, I picked a nice red for his sword to contrast with his green robes. As for gaming I rather suspect the combination of bones and green will help blend him into a Nurgle force as well as my Tzeentch force if fancy takes me.
I still need to finish the flocking on this abandoned mine shaft terrain. Luckily I recently rediscovered my large bag of green flock in one of the moving boxes. |
One of the other nice things about older sculpts is that on average they have less annoying details to paint. The Khardaron Overlords currently lounging in 'base colors blocked in' purgatory are so overfilled with straps and buckles that it makes me lose heart when I bring my brush close. And don't get me started (again) on the Tzaangor. With the mainland edition of Warhammer Fest coming up I greatly fear picking up a box of the blue beastmen just for masochism's sake. On the other hand I might need my cash to buy the new Adeptus Titanicus. I was really looking forward to getting into this again. Its just that the absence of the around 130 euro starter box I expected and the 230 euro price point of a the 2 army deal we got instead made me blink. I think that marks the first time in a long while GW has made me complain about the price of this silly hobby. On the other hand I strongly suspect that I'll cave after a full day of hobby propaganda. I'll probably go home with four armies ;)
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