I also painted the yellow/black striping on the roof and found a nice technique (imho) for the glowing blue plasma vats on the back of the machine. I also finished the basic paint job on the base so I could glue my model to it. And I covered the top of the wall with glue as it had an awful tendency to chip bits of plaster off. Hopefully this will stem the tide.
So now my building is at this stage and ready to be weathered as soon as the PVA glue dries. Man I hate waiting for PVA glue to dry....

I weathered the wall first. I started with Vallejo Sepia Wash then Vallejo black wash (these two are available in extra large sizes, which is very handy if you build a lot of scenery). After these washes I followed with a bit of Thrakka Green and finally with a glaze made from Catachan Green. I pool both the washes and the glaze at the bottom of the wall and then use an extra large brush to pull the wet paint (or wash) up.

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