It took a bit longer then expected, mostly due to me learning how not to work with laser-cut MDF, but my hobbyzone is finally (more or less) finished. In the new house I have an en-suite room all to myself. Here is a shot of my hobbyzone.
The entry to my hobbyzone, with doors that close to keep the cat from drinking my paint water. |
I opted for a large work area by using a counter-top as surface, giving me enough space to make a 'clean' painting area and a 'dirty' gluing, cutting and building area. I als get to use the wheels on my chair and go wheeeee as I slide between the two (but don't tell anyone that). The equipment and primer rack in the center is by our Swedish friends from IKEA. It's perfect for holding most of my tools although the primary purpose is keeping my scalpel very high up and well away from my kid. After a long search I opted for a daylight LED panel above my painting area. Here is a shot of it at night.
It may not look like much on the picture, but this LED-daylight panel lights my painting area brighter then my old lamps ever could. |
Daylight LED panels are ridiculously (comparatively) cheap. I got two for less then half the price of a desk mounted daylight lamp. The seconde one is waiting to be affixed in the shed later for my extremely dirty (terrain, MDF sanding, etc.) work area.
I am extremely happy with my TTCombat paint racks, now to find a suitably compatible Vallejo rack that still fits the 25 cm corner I have left. |
One of the most difficult choices was what to use as a paint rack for my GW paint pots. I also have some P3, quite a lot of Vallejo (air) and a few other brands, but the local GW is where I make most of my impulse buys. I first looked at nail polish stands, but these turned out to be a bit more expensive then expected. Second I looked at
Hobbyzone MDF. They make a nifty looking modular system with a selection of drawers at the bottom and paint racks at the top. Unfortunately to keep my collection in hands reach I needed more racks than could fit in the corner of my workspace. In the end I found the MDF paint racks from
TTCombat. These are three
Citadel Mega Paint Racks to be precise.
First order of business is finding out how to assemble the paint racks. |
I will probably write a post 'how not to work with MDF' soon as I made some very bad decisions while building the paint racks (and the generators you can see to the right on the picture). If you are not extremely prone to thinking up your own plan the racks easy to assemble (although a how-to would've been nice). The guys at
TTCombat where super busy because of event season. It delayed my order a bit, but they where very clear up front about it. They also made a slight slip up and accidentally sent me one paint rack in stead of three. A single message through their Facebook page and I got the other two delivered with priority. All in all, a bit of a wait during event season, but a super friendly shop with excellent service. I'm already tempted to try some of their Industrial Hive scenery next (or maybe Eastern Empires)....ah well lets do some regular painting first.
What do we want? More Forge World Masterclass books! When do we want them? More Forge World Masterclass books! |
Here is the dirty corner of my workspace with my favorite paint bibles within easy reach. Most of the art on the walls was printed through an online printing service or gifted during one of the many celebrations GW holds every year (keep it up GW, now start selling us posters next). The frames as well as the planks on the wall are all the same high brow Swedish design (or so I keep saying).
Hidden on the top right is my Maisontaal building as it is slightly to big for the Billy bookcases. |
Here is the rear view of my room. This bookcase is built into the house. Behind most of the doors are old White Dwarfs, abandoned RPG's (*cough* Warhammer Fantasy 3rd *cough*, never buy another FFG game *cough*) and boxes that form the plastic pile. To the right is a small collection of older RPG's, to the left most of my Warhammer and Age of Sigmar book collection.
So many Warhammer editions and the next AoS is about to drop at the end of this month. |
I couldn't resist taking a small close-up of the Warhammer shelf. Two of my favorite books are lying flat on the top shelf (too big to stand) they are The Loathsome Ratmen and their Vile Kin and The Gothic and the Eldritch. The silver Horus Heresy book is also quite a nice artbook and the Imperial Infantrymen's Primer is a must have on the table during any Dark Heresy style game.
Here's what to do with free postcards. Right now I'm crossing my fingers and hoping GW will sell some nice A2 posters with the maps promised in the new AoS. |
Once again thanks to Swedish ingenuity I finally found a purpose for my 25 years of Warhammer 40K cards. Also hidden to the left is Test of Honor that I really intended to build and paint around Christmas. Well with a bit of luck we'll see another Christmas come round.
My AoS bookcase, I'm still quite fond of the scratch built windmill on top. |
Last but not least here are some shots of my display cases. I have an Age of Sigmar case to the right in the room...
My Warhammer 40K case, the glass domes on top are by IKEA, I intend to build diorama's in them. |
And a Warhammer 40K case to the left.
Four armies have broken out of the hobbyzone and established a beachhead in the living room. |
And just outside the hobby zone an extra display case to flood a bit of hobby into the main living room of the house. So there's my hobbyzone. I'm a bit loath to call it a mancave as I do not consider myself a neanderthal, am not particularly fond of barbecue and prefer a nicely rounded Belgium Trappist to guzzling down regular beer :). Having said that, I am one happy nerd :D
Edit: Almost forgot to update my bingo card with the Make something for you hobby that's not for the battlefield field.
Another red dot added. |
Wow, that's a very nice and orderly hobby space!!
ReplyDeleteThanks :)
Considering how much of my stuff I have to pack up in order to give each of the kids their own room (the nerve of them!) I am doubly envious.
Ever since I put the kid outside in the dog house, I get to enjoy more space ;) I don't think I'll ever forget packing and unpacking my core hobby stuff from a drawer to claim a part of the kitchen table, makes me very happy to have this much space now.