While painting
my Skitarii I also took steps to put the basic color blocks on a Tech-Priest Dominus. This one needed a bit more love and attention as it is a main character in the strike force I'm painting. I also had to take some hobby time out to run around the Mojave dessert. I am replaying Fallout New Vegas to find out why it gets so much more love then Fallout 4 (short answer so far I love both of these unpolished gems and I don't get it). Anyways this Sunday I took the time to finish the Tech-Priest Dominus. As I am feeling utterly uncreative I have been following along with the Crusaders for Knowledge strike force in the new Adeptus Mechanics Codex. That makes my life easier as I instantly get a name for this guy: Gregorius Dol.
"Aside from technical expertise I have a working knowledge of Word and Excel." |
Thanks to my Skitarii work I have a basic recipe ready to paint these ghostly technicians. I start out airbrushing Leadbelcher on a Vallejo German Grey primer. The Leadbelcher is washed with Nuln Oil and drybrushed with Ironbreaker. After this has dries I apply two thin coats of Mephiston Red on the robes and then use an airbrush to make some interesting gradients with added Evil Sunz Scarlet and Wild Rider Red. (I use Vallejo Flow Improver to thin down non-airbrush paints).
When guns get boring, add some heat glow to them. |
With the basic paints done I can focus on details. As this guy is not one of a squad of ten I took most of my Sunday for this. All tubing is painted Vallejo Prussian Blue and then lightened with GW Lothern Blue (and finally a bit of VGC Dead White). The floating Skull is Zandri Dust layered with Ushabti Bone with a bit of Dead White mixed in for final highlight. The skull was washed with Agrax Earthshade in between layers and I always add a few precission drop of it in the end (in the eye sockets for instance). The (I suppose) rotting organic hand is Rakharth Flesh, Reikland Fleshshade and lined with Pallid Wych Flesh.
The basis for the broken robot was a cheap toy, its feet were so bad I replaced them with a crater. |
In the end it I found the model missing a bit of luster. To spruce it up airbrushed a heat effect on the Eradiction Ray. I applied a light touch of VGC Scrofulous Brown and then went in with VMC Scarlet Red. I finally hit the tip of the gun with a bit of VGC Electric Blue. I put a thin edge highlight of Lothern Blue on the top of the barrel to give it that crackle of electricity feel.
I'm rather happy with how these silly crates turned out, always be on the lookout for scatter terrain in thrift stores. |
Still not fully satisfied I thinned down some Druchii Violet (purple) and Drakenhof Nightshade (blue) washes and added these sparingly on parts that get hot (the top of the Eradication Ray, the top of the backpack, etc.). It adds a nice 'this used to be hot' look to these parts (and some extra color too). By appying thin coats and stacking I get to control heavier and subtler spots of discoloration. Still not fully satisfied I also thinned down a drop of VMC Prussian Blue to glaze consistency and sprayed it lightly on the top of the
halberd Omnissian Axe, I then repeated the same trick with some VGC Escorpena Green. The two colors mix nicely and give a bit of a power glow to the weapon. Well I think it looks like a power glow :). The halberd handle was painted German Grey, carefully layered up by adding some white to it and finally washed with two coats of Nuln Oil. Or as I like to call it: a quick black for lazy people.
I still haven't found my flock and tufts box since the move, so I'll have to call the base a work in progress. |
All in all I'm quite satisfied with the look of this maniac. Next up is his boss Belisarius Cawl soon to be followed by a Knight. Just as I was about to buy one, GW brings the Renegade box back and I get two for the (almost) price of one! For those of you wondering about the scenery. I ripped the plastic buildings off the
wooden bases from the Armageddon set I made last year. The bases where slightly too big to fit in my display case and I wanted to use the scenery there. The blue and yellow crates I found in the toy section of a thrift store. I used them to practice a bit more salt weathering. The robot was a 79 (euro-)cent model from Action (the local cheap as hell store). I bought a couple of these robots to use as scenery. This one was a test piece to see how well it would fit. I rather like it as it has been mistaken for a Kastelan Robot a few times :).
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