This has been a productive weekend as far as painting is concerned. First off I picked another project from the dead-pile and brought it to life. In this case it was my Verminlord. I bought, painted and fielded this model when it was brand new. A few months back
I decided to strip and rebuild it. I located the old White Dwarf that had a paint scheme for him and planned to follow that. You never know what new skills you pick up along the way. Now I got around to it and here is the result.
Old shool daemon with a brand spanking new paint job. |
It was a lot of fun painting a very harsh and high contrast skin tone. I consider painting bone that is this white a nice bonus. That is definitely something I should consider doing more often (my go-to for bone is Zandri | Agrax | Ushabti | White and it is getting a bit stale). I also enjoyed spending so much time on the horns, building up around five layers of paint to get them to this point. The fur was actually the easiest, I took a long look at the instruction to paint the individual hairs, shrugged and went for a sequence of drybrushing.
When it comes to fur, I think drybrushing is the way to go. |
A hard choice to make was whether to go for a boring old square or a pretty new round base. In the end I decided on square. I don't feel like rebasing the rest of my pantheon and these old models will sit in a cabinet as they are no longer of the right scale to fit in a game. Fielding a greater daemon that can hide behind an outhouse in a world where they rightfully dominate the battlefield, that's just not cricket.
Let's have a look at the before stage of this model. I think I see some progress in my painting skills over the years :) |
I had to consider if the Verminlord is a proper part of this pantheon and landed on a hard yes. While the other four are directly tied to the two Realm of Chaos books it is a fact that Skaven always have been of chaos and the model was released close enough to the others to count in my book (1993 I think). So here (once again) is my pride and joy: a full pantheon of Chaos Greater Daemons.
I'll just add another shot of (one of) the pride and joy groups in my collection. A full old school Pantheon of Chaos. |
Of the above pantheon I've already got a
Lord of Change and a
Bloodthirster (none less then Skarbrand) in the large modern size. I've picked up a plastic Verminlord at Warhammer Fest so he should be joining my collection somewhere soon(ish). Now if I buy a modern plastic Great Unclean One and keep my fingers crossed for a plastic Keeper of Secrets I might have some fun and add a modern sized pantheon to my collection somewhere in the future.
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