Wednesday, June 26, 2024

We're gonna need a bigger newspaper: there's a Sump Spider on the loose!

These last few weeks I've been having a glorious time picking up random projects taking up space around my paint station. This rather horrifying Sump Spider, a model by Print Minis, is one of those projects. It also marks the first model of a giant spider I did not paint pink. That's a bit of a change for me; I would also say it's nightmare fuel compared to the bubblegum pink Gobbo Spiders in the display case.

The running peasant from the Giant's kit has to rate as one of the top models ever produced by GW. Also there's a humongous zonking Sump Spider on the picture (in case you missed it).

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Dwarf themed terrain or are these Goblin infested ruins?

Most of the fantasy themed battles I fought over the past few years used my Townscape buildings and the two version of woodland terrain in my collection. That's all nice and well, but I've always wanted to expand into different styles of 'table dressing'. Recently I decided to turn to 3D-printing once more to turn that dream into reality. Starting out with a very pretty set of Dwarf themed terrain by Cast n Play Miniatures.

This former Dwarven hold contains a bridge, lots of cover and some difficult terrain.