This weekend I finished painting my unit of Putrid Blight Kings. I should say first unit because after painting these models I really want another set of them. So much fun, so many option, so incredibly disgusting. As an extra honorary member of the unit I also painted a Plague Lord. This guy and the plastic Cairn Wraith are two of my favorite miniatures launched by GW in the past ten years. I really want another one, just to do some interesting conversions on it.
We heard the tea was ready and thought we should drop in. |
In the back my oversized banner bearer is just visible. I like huge banners as a nod to the old school warhammer feel. In this case I actually attempted to drawy all the imagery of the banner by hand on a piece of paper (in stead of 'borrowing' a design and printing it lightly before painting).
Now that is what I call a reasonably sized banner. |
In the end I'm reasonably happy althoiugh I will use a few stronger colors on my next baner to tie it together. The three head form a Nurgle symbol but are so muted you can't see it from tabletop height. I had some fun using the Realm of Chaos - The Lost and the Damned book for inspiration. Also the runes on the banner are all from the pages listing Chaos Runes.
Front rank in focus! |
Rear rank in focus! |
Next up I should finish my Daemon Pince. I also have some regular Chaos Warriors on sprue, but I think these are rather neat and static for use in a Nurgle host. I also have rather a large collection of Khorne types lounging around so perhaps I should make a quick leap to that force and add some raging psychopaths to my horde. Throughout whatever I end up painting however is another big project. More on that later on.
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