Two weeks ago I decided to paint myself out of my painting slump by assembling, fancy basing and painting Skarbrand. With my painting mojo renewed, I went on to open my Orcs&Goblins...I mean Orruks and Grots project box to make a dent in that back-log. Having successfully taken over the dining room table with hobby I've been able to get quite a nice few painting and modeling hours in. To spice the hobby up a bit further I've also lifted my personal (semi-)ban on going for multiple units at the same time. Basically I'm chaos incarnate, doing whatever fancy dictates and having a blast while at it. First off I finished painting the ten remaining Spiderfang Grots that where languishing half-painted in the project box.
Spiders! Attack!!! |
'Why pink,' you may ask. Well for starters they match
the other ten, also pink is awesome and it negates my wife's fear of spiders. Although she claims it won't help with the Arachnarok. So I still can't get away with painting one of those (yet).
With these ten finished I'm finally out of Spiders to paint. |
Admittedly the Spiderfang Grots have been a bit rushed (tabletop standard is the euphemism I believe). But for a large unit they will serve and they can be cleared off the to-do-list. Another group on that list is formed by two Spear Chukka's and their Grot crew, also on that list are the crew for two of my Doom Diver Catapults. I've been working on these while waiting for layers of wash to dry on other models. Here is an in progress shot straight from one of my to-do box lids (almost there with these guys).
A shot of my to-do tray. |
In the background is a unit of Orruk Boyz with two hand weapons. I will get started on those guys as soon as I've decided what alternating colors I will use for their shirts and pants. Never mind the Skaven on the side, those sneaky gitz always appear in unexpected places.
I sneakily re-used this image of my broken chariots (I shot it for the last update). |
Another project is the restoration of five broken chariots as pictured above. This week I've (re-)assembled two of them.
Two chariots ready for a paint job. |
The one on the left was missing the entire yoke. I fixed this by getting creative with some bits from an old Bretonnian sprue. The missing scythes on the same chariot where replaced by tips from Orruk Pig Stikka's (spears). And finally the boar on the left was stripped of the thickest layer of paint.
Two simple bases ready to receive a chariot. |
I also prepared two bases for the chariots (before running out of large bases) and put the other crews and boars in
bio-strip 20. Over the course of the week I've actually painted up the first chariot, it only needs its crew now to be completed.
One chariot covered in paint, Looking at it, I think the base might need a bit of extra work. |
Next up (maybe in a separate post) some blabbing about another fancy base for my War Wyvern, a bit of talk on rebasing a Snotling pump wagon (maybe getting the rest of the snotlings ready for paint) and painting a few trolls. Let's just tease a bit with a picture of my workspace right now....
Top secret shot of my workspace filling up with a chaotic plethora of projects. |
Awesome work. I really like those spiders, pretty nice color. The chariot yoke conversión is really good. I agree with you, that base need more work, it´s something that happens to me all the time.
Cheers, I've been adding a bit of extra grass to the base, but I'll hold off any more serious additions until more chariots have been finished. It should give me a chance to match bases.