You've got to love a long buildup. Just before Christmas GW started hinting at
Malign Portents hitting the Mortal Realms in Age of Sigmar (if you're not up-to-date on the background,
I've got a primer here). Now as prelude to a worldwide campaign a new book has hit the shelves including four new models (a general each for Order, Destruction, Death and Chaos). Being
an easy mark a gaming enthusiast I pre-ordered the book, dice, cards and the general for Death because, well, I think the model look incredibly cool. I've skimmed the book and it looks interesting. As I've decided to take my hobby up to 11 this year, I'm going to attempt to fill every space on the
Wargame Hobby Bingo card Rob Hawkins updated this year. I used this as an excuse to go full throttle on the Knight of Shrouds.
GW managed to combine the menace of a Ring Wraith quite nicely with the ghostly appearance required for Night Haunt models. |